From Success to Significance (Podcast Interview)
A former top producer in the Internet marketing world, Lena Bjorna's focus today is on family and ministry. She recently shared her remarkable journey on Rodney Olsen's "Bleeding Daylight" podcast. Lena's story illustrates how God can transform our greatest challenges into opportunities for meaningful impact.
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: Here Are the Tools
When you discover your spiritual gifts, it will allow you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your home life, work life, and ministry. You’ll be able to focus on the things you enjoy, and that while having confidence that you’re doing precisely what you were put here to do! Read Lena’s blog post here.
God Has Good Plans for You (Wait and See)!
God's ways are often vastly different from ours - counterintuitive even - and can be painful and confusing for a season. Still, His plans for us, which we'll usually see later when looking back, are always better than our own. Click here for Lena’s blog post!
God's Key to Emotional Healing: How Friendship Can Help Heal Emotional Wounds
The Bible teaches that God's people are channels of His grace. By plugging into relationships with other mature Christians, we’ll have a better chance of experiencing spiritual growth and emotional healing. Check out Lena's post here.
Trust In God and Take the Next Step
The Bible tells us to walk by faith, not by sight. Discover what it means to trust in God and move forward in childlike faith, one step at a time. Check out Lena's encouraging blog post here.
Grace And Truth: Helping Our Kids Embrace Their Identity in Jesus
Want to raise emotionally, socially, and spiritually healthy kids? Use grace and truth to reinforce a positive self-image, helping them embrace their identity in the Lord! Read Lena's inspiring blog post here.
Unanswered Prayers? Two Reasons God Hasn’t Come Through for You (Yet)
Got unanswered prayers? Sometimes God makes us wait a long time before He comes through for us, even when we're asking for something that is wholesome and godly. Why? Read Lena's thought-provoking blog post here.
How To Choose a Church (The Two Non-Negotiables)
How do you choose a church? Here’s what finding the right church is all about... Hint: it's NOT about identifying a place where we'll get all our personal wants met!
How To Make New Friends at Any Stage in Life
Whether you're 30, 60, or 90, it's never too late to make new friends! Lena shares an inspiring friendship story from her own life and some pearls of wisdom in this blog post.
Beware, The Traps of Digital Technology
If you're constantly checking your phone or can't get through the day without music or movies, your gadgets may have gained a bit too much power over you. What to do? Lena's blog post may help.
It Wasn’t Raining While Noah Built the Ark
God may sometimes ask us to do things that don’t make sense on a human plane and without revealing His intentions to us. Will we obey Him regardless? Check out Lena's inspiring blog post here.
Seeking Validation on Social Media? (How to Stop)
Many of us spend a bit too much time on social media, chasing meaningless validation. Not everything that is permissible is edifying, the Bible says. If you suspect you could benefit from a social media break, this post by Lena may help.
How To Glorify God with Your Heart (And Every Other Body Part)
Have you ever heard Proverbs 4:23 referenced in the context of dating? Then, you may be surprised to discover the real meaning of the biblical command to "guard your heart" in Lena's blog post.
Confessions of a Bonus Mom
A fiercely independent career woman who had never raised kids of her own, Lena was in for a challenge (and a whole lot of fun!) when she became stepmom to three lively boys. Read the story here.
Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude and Nip Envy in the Bud
Whether we experience gratitude or envy is largely a matter of what we focus on. You and I can train ourselves to become more conscious of God's goodness towards us. Read more here.