Don’t Forget the Shoes: The Best Defense Is a Good Offense!
Paul writes in Ephesians that to protect ourselves against the enemy, it’s critical we wear the proper footgear. It's only when our feet are shod with the gospel of peace that we'll be able both to stand our ground and march fearlessly forward. Read Lena's blog post here.
From Success to Significance (Podcast Interview)
A former top producer in the Internet marketing world, Lena Bjorna's focus today is on family and ministry. She recently shared her remarkable journey on Rodney Olsen's "Bleeding Daylight" podcast. Lena's story illustrates how God can transform our greatest challenges into opportunities for meaningful impact.
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts: Here Are the Tools
When you discover your spiritual gifts, it will allow you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your home life, work life, and ministry. You’ll be able to focus on the things you enjoy, and that while having confidence that you’re doing precisely what you were put here to do! Read Lena’s blog post here.
God Is on the Move! (Newsletter #2)
Every Saturday morning, a long line of families waits on the sidewalk outside Downey First Christian Church to receive food items from the church food bank. A team of volunteers, led by Lena, strike up conversations with them, love on them, and share the Gospel with them. Find out more about what God's been up to!
Look What God’s Been Up to! (Newsletter #1)
On any given Saturday morning, 200+ families line up on the sidewalk outside Downey First Christian Church to receive food items from the church food bank. While the families wait in line, a team of volunteers, led by Lena, strike up conversations with them and talk to them about God. Here are some encouraging stories about how God has been moving lately.
Nine Simple, Practical Ways to Spread Kindness Today
There are countless ways to spread kindness to strangers in our communities and the world today. For starters, here are nine examples of how we can practice kindness and live out the Golden Rule daily.
How To Spell “JOY” This Christmas
We’re more likely to have a run-in with joy when we center our lives around Jesus and people, as opposed to making life mostly about ourselves: our interests, our plans, our wants, our fulfillment. Read Lena’s inspiring blog post here.
What Matters Most, According to Jesus
"Love God, love people," teaches the Bible. The Christian's life is to revolve around these two activities. But although to love is a biblical command and not optional, God has made it so that love ALSO happens to be the path to joy! Discover more here.
God Has Good Plans for You (Wait and See)!
God's ways are often vastly different from ours - counterintuitive even - and can be painful and confusing for a season. Still, His plans for us, which we'll usually see later when looking back, are always better than our own. Click here for Lena’s blog post!
The “Love Your Neighbor” Agenda That Snowballed the Growth of Our Church
“Love your neighbor…” When Lena took leadership of the evangelism outreach team at her local church, she could never have imagined the amazing things God would do through the new ministry. Read the exciting story here.
An Easter Miracle for Christopher: All Things Are Possible with God
A swallowing disorder almost claimed the life of Lena's autistic stepson, Christopher, and for the next nine months he was incapable of eating solid foods. Then, on a glorious Easter Sunday, it happened... Read the gripping story here.
Why God Doesn’t Stop Evil People
Why doesn’t God stop evil? Humans have been asking this question ever since sin entered the world. In this insightful blog post, Lena shares what the Bible has to say in response.
God's Key to Emotional Healing: How Friendship Can Help Heal Emotional Wounds
The Bible teaches that God's people are channels of His grace. By plugging into relationships with other mature Christians, we’ll have a better chance of experiencing spiritual growth and emotional healing. Check out Lena's post here.
How To Share the Gospel: The Art of Asking Questions
Want to learn how to share the Gospel? Here’s how to engage the people in your life with stimulating questions, just like Jesus did, and effortlessly move from “natural” to spiritual topics. Click here for Lena’s blog post.
Worthy…or Entitled? (The Ugly Truth About My Impatience)
We can't follow Jesus and, at the same time, embrace the self-esteem propaganda of the world. We pursue OUR glory, or we pursue HIS. Read Lena's thought-provoking blog post here.
Trust In God and Take the Next Step
The Bible tells us to walk by faith, not by sight. Discover what it means to trust in God and move forward in childlike faith, one step at a time. Check out Lena's encouraging blog post here.
Grace And Truth: Helping Our Kids Embrace Their Identity in Jesus
Want to raise emotionally, socially, and spiritually healthy kids? Use grace and truth to reinforce a positive self-image, helping them embrace their identity in the Lord! Read Lena's inspiring blog post here.
Unanswered Prayers? Two Reasons God Hasn’t Come Through for You (Yet)
Got unanswered prayers? Sometimes God makes us wait a long time before He comes through for us, even when we're asking for something that is wholesome and godly. Why? Read Lena's thought-provoking blog post here.
How To Choose a Church (The Two Non-Negotiables)
How do you choose a church? Here’s what finding the right church is all about... Hint: it's NOT about identifying a place where we'll get all our personal wants met!
Experiencing Spiritual Warfare? What To Do and How to Stay Encouraged
Are you experiencing spiritual attacks? You can stay encouraged through it all by being familiar with what the Bible says about the devil’s methods and motives. Click here for Lena's blog post.