From Success to Significance (Podcast Interview)
A former top producer in the Internet marketing world, Lena Bjorna's focus today is on family and ministry. She recently shared her remarkable journey on Rodney Olsen's "Bleeding Daylight" podcast. Lena's story illustrates how God can transform our greatest challenges into opportunities for meaningful impact.
What Matters Most, According to Jesus
"Love God, love people," teaches the Bible. The Christian's life is to revolve around these two activities. But although to love is a biblical command and not optional, God has made it so that love ALSO happens to be the path to joy! Discover more here.
God Has Good Plans for You (Wait and See)!
God's ways are often vastly different from ours - counterintuitive even - and can be painful and confusing for a season. Still, His plans for us, which we'll usually see later when looking back, are always better than our own. Click here for Lena’s blog post!
How to Find Your Calling from God
Want to find your calling, so you can be everything God created you to be? Here’s the one critical thing you must do first, in order to find your calling from God. Click here for Lena’s blog post.
God’s Grace and Mercy Are Greater Still
Have you let God down—failed Him even? Welcome to the club! The great news is that it's not too late. The Lord still wants to use you to build His kingdom. Check out Lena's encouraging blog post.
What Makes a Dad Great (an Open Letter to My Husband)
Successful parenting is about spending quality and quantity time with your kids. It’s about building memories and setting an example. It’s also about being humble enough to admit it to your kids when you mess up. Read Lena’s tribute to her husband, Don.
Confessions of a Bonus Mom
A fiercely independent career woman who had never raised kids of her own, Lena was in for a challenge (and a whole lot of fun!) when she became stepmom to three lively boys. Read the story here.