Prison Ministry Update: Why We Love Serving at One of The World’s Toughest Jails
Lena belongs to a prison ministry that regularly travels to maximum-security jails in Mexico to share with the inmates how they can receive forgiveness for their sins through faith in Jesus Christ. As you'll see, God's light is strong enough to penetrate the darkest places. Click here for the story.
From Success to Significance (Podcast Interview)
A former top producer in the Internet marketing world, Lena Bjorna's focus today is on family and ministry. She recently shared her remarkable journey on Rodney Olsen's "Bleeding Daylight" podcast. Lena's story illustrates how God can transform our greatest challenges into opportunities for meaningful impact.
Nine Simple, Practical Ways to Spread Kindness Today
There are countless ways to spread kindness to strangers in our communities and the world today. For starters, here are nine examples of how we can practice kindness and live out the Golden Rule daily.
How To Spell “JOY” This Christmas
We’re more likely to have a run-in with joy when we center our lives around Jesus and people, as opposed to making life mostly about ourselves: our interests, our plans, our wants, our fulfillment. Read Lena’s inspiring blog post here.
God Has Good Plans for You (Wait and See)!
God's ways are often vastly different from ours - counterintuitive even - and can be painful and confusing for a season. Still, His plans for us, which we'll usually see later when looking back, are always better than our own. Click here for Lena’s blog post!
An Easter Miracle for Christopher: All Things Are Possible with God
A swallowing disorder almost claimed the life of Lena's autistic stepson, Christopher, and for the next nine months he was incapable of eating solid foods. Then, on a glorious Easter Sunday, it happened... Read the gripping story here.
This Young Man Is My Greatest Inspiration
Lena's stepson, who has severe autism, has taught her many important lessons about joy, forgiveness, contentment, and patience. We think he'll inspire you, too! Read the encouraging post.
How To Make New Friends at Any Stage in Life
Whether you're 30, 60, or 90, it's never too late to make new friends! Lena shares an inspiring friendship story from her own life and some pearls of wisdom in this blog post.
When A Global Pandemic Wrecks Your Wedding Plans
They've planned their wedding for the summer of 2020. Then, March arrives, and the world gets hit by a pandemic and goes into lockdown. What do they do? Here's Don's & Lena's story of resolve and creativity.
It Wasn’t Raining While Noah Built the Ark
God may sometimes ask us to do things that don’t make sense on a human plane and without revealing His intentions to us. Will we obey Him regardless? Check out Lena's inspiring blog post here.
What Makes a Dad Great (an Open Letter to My Husband)
Successful parenting is about spending quality and quantity time with your kids. It’s about building memories and setting an example. It’s also about being humble enough to admit it to your kids when you mess up. Read Lena’s tribute to her husband, Don.
Confessions of a Bonus Mom
A fiercely independent career woman who had never raised kids of her own, Lena was in for a challenge (and a whole lot of fun!) when she became stepmom to three lively boys. Read the story here.
Kindness Is Contagious: Who Will You Encourage Today?
Kindness has a ripple effect, have you noticed? In this inspiring blog post, Lena relates an experience she had during a season she worked as an Uber driver. The story beautifully illustrates the power of human kindness.
Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude and Nip Envy in the Bud
Whether we experience gratitude or envy is largely a matter of what we focus on. You and I can train ourselves to become more conscious of God's goodness towards us. Read more here.