From Success to Significance (Podcast Interview)
A former top producer in the Internet marketing world, Lena Bjorna's focus today is on family and ministry. She recently shared her remarkable journey on Rodney Olsen's "Bleeding Daylight" podcast. Lena's story illustrates how God can transform our greatest challenges into opportunities for meaningful impact.
Worthy…or Entitled? (The Ugly Truth About My Impatience)
We can't follow Jesus and, at the same time, embrace the self-esteem propaganda of the world. We pursue OUR glory, or we pursue HIS. Read Lena's thought-provoking blog post here.
Grace And Truth: Helping Our Kids Embrace Their Identity in Jesus
Want to raise emotionally, socially, and spiritually healthy kids? Use grace and truth to reinforce a positive self-image, helping them embrace their identity in the Lord! Read Lena's inspiring blog post here.
Should You Ever Seek Approval from Others? (The Answer May Surprise You)
Some scriptures say we should seek approval from others; other scriptures say we shouldn’t. How do we reconcile the two sets of verses? The answer in Lena's insightful blog post.
Seeking Validation on Social Media? (How to Stop)
Many of us spend a bit too much time on social media, chasing meaningless validation. Not everything that is permissible is edifying, the Bible says. If you suspect you could benefit from a social media break, this post by Lena may help.
Is it Okay to Be Angry with God?
The Bible has plenty to say about anger. With the exception of righteous indignation, anger is a sin, Scripture tells us. Is it okay to be mad at God, then? The answer here.