Trust In God and Take the Next Step

The Bible refers to the Christian life as a "walk." God wants us to walk this walk by faith, just as we're saved by faith.

To "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7) is a way of life. This faith—biblical faith—believes in and lives in anticipation of invisible, eternal rewards (2 Corinthians 4:18). 

Frequently, when you walk by faith, you're doing what is hard, even painful. You’re not doing what comes naturally to you. You're conquering your fears and limitations. You're determined to trust in God, so you're pressing into Him and allowing Him to change your attitudes and priorities. 

Many things about God's plan for you may not be clear yet, but you prayerfully take the first action step based on what you believe the Lord would have you do.

You're responding to His revealed will. And you keep asking yourself, "What's the next right thing?"

The Bible depicts Scripture as a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105). “Lamp” refers to a lantern or torch, which is what was used for lighting back when the Old Testament was written. 

Unlike our modern flashlights, which can illuminate our surroundings for miles, a lamp gives you just enough light to move your feet one pace further on the path right before you. 

It's a subtle light, not a beaming one. And you'll be able to use your lamp as illumination for the subsequent step only when you take the first step.   

If you and I are to get closer to God's will for our lives, we have to keep moving. We must continue to trust in God, exercising our faith by taking action while allowing the Word to guide us. As we apply Scripture to our circumstances, one decision at a time, we'll see more clearly what the Lord wants us to do next. But only then!

Ongoing obedience to God's Word is the key to a growing understanding of His will for us.

Too often, we expect the Holy Spirit to show us what to do when we haven't obeyed what He has already revealed to us. But why would God attempt to direct our next step if, up until that point, we've demonstrated that we aren't inclined to follow Him?

Consider these words by famed twentieth-century author Oswald Chambers:

"The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect, but obedience. If a man wants scientific knowledge, intellectual curiosity is his guide; but if he wants insight into what Jesus Christ teaches, he can only get it by obedience. If things are dark to me, then I may be sure there is something I will not do. Intellectual darkness comes through ignorance; spiritual darkness comes because of something I do not intend to obey."*

Nailed it!

For the true disciple of Jesus who strives to walk by faith, life is a journey of ever-increasing spiritual insight: "The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day" (Proverbs 4:18).

In contrast, "The way of the wicked [those who don't walk with God] is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble" (verse 19). 

Having childlike, biblical faith is maybe one of the things we Christians struggle with the most. We know the Lord only wants the best for us, but we're often afraid to submit to His will.

walk by faith not by sight

We so desperately want to be in control. We want answers, explanations, and predictions. If we had it our way, we would always know what was around the bend and be fully prepared for every challenge.

But this is rarely God's way for us. Rather than showing us the entire road ahead, He tends to direct us more gradually, as we’ve seen. As we follow His lead and walk by faith daily, our trust in Him builds, and we grow spiritually

Friend, God doesn't want us to try to figure everything out beforehand but to believe that He already has it all figured out for us! He wants us to experience His trustworthiness!

This is why His way is one of ongoing surrender and dependency…one baby step at a time.


Do you find it challenging to walk by faith? What have you been learning lately about having trust in God? Please share below in the comments section!

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*SOURCE: Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest: The Way to Know

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